NCLEX E-Book ($4)
Situation: Jonas, 32 year old has returned from Honk Kong and was admitted to St. John of God Hospital and was tentatively diagnosed to have SARS.
7. Jonas is expected to have which of the following symptoms
a) fever, rapid progressive respiratory compromise
b) fever and dyspnea
c) fever and productive cough
d) fever and cyanosis
8. Incubation period of SARS
a) 2-8 days
b) 5-11 days
c) 1-10 days
d) 1-5 days
9. What is the causitive agent of SARS?
a) corona virus
b) retro virus
c) rhabdo virus
d) influenza virus
10. The following countries where SARS originated includes the following except:
a) China
b) Canada
c) Philippines
d) Australia
7) B
- initial manifestation of SARS includes high fever, chills, headache, body malaise and muscular aches.
After 3 to 7 days. SARS manifestations appear which include nonproductive cough, dyspnea, shortness of breath and possible hypoxemia.
8) A
- the incubation period of SARS is 2-10 days and maybe as long as 10 days in some people
9) A
- the causative agent is a newly identified corona virus which is transmitted by:
- close person to person contact
- direct contact with infected person or contaminated object
- exposure of the eyes or mucous membrane to respiratory secretions of SARS patient
Risk Factors of SARS
- close contact with person who is diagnosed or suspected with SARS
- recent travel (within 10 days before appearance of signs and symptoms) to area with suspect or confirmed community transmission of SARS
- SARS cases were first identified in ASIAN countries in 2002. Countries initially affected by SARS include China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, North America and Europe. The high risk age groups are those between 25-70 years old. About 3 patients in every 100 SARS cases die of the disease.
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- Online Nursing Practice Test about Respiratory Diseases (11-13)
- Go back to Online Nursing Practice Test about Respiratory Diseases (1-6) to start the test from the beginning.