NCLEX Preparation Course - Critical Thinking Exercises I (Questions 1-10)

Here are the Answers to NCLEX Preparation Course - Critical thinking I (1-10) -->

1. The nurse should slow down the transfusion of packed RBC when she has which of the following assessment findings?

a) bibasilar rales or crackles
b) anuria
c) low back pain
d) fever and skin rashes

2. The client experiences tactile hallucinations in delirium tremens (DTs). He states, "there are bugs crawling under my skin." The most appropriate response by the nurse would be:

a) I know, this is frightening to you. But I don't see any bugs crawling in your skin
b) this sensation is common among clients who undergo alcohol withdrawal, like you
c) that sensation is all in your imagination
d) it is not possible for bugs to crawl under your skin

3. The nurse had been given four clients. Who among these clients should she give highest priority?

a) the client with fever
b) the client with diabetic gangrene
c) the client with diarrhea
d) the client who feels dizzy when changing position from supine to standing position

4. A client has had radical neck dissection, and begins to hemorrhage at the incision site. Which action by the nurse would be contraindicated?

a) applying manual pressure over the site
b) placing the client in supine position
c) monitoring the client's airway
d) calling the physician immediately

5. Case management nursing care delivery involves

a) division of tasks with each nurse assuming responsibility for certain tasks
b) taking responsibility for all aspects of one or more client's care within the shift
c) delivery of nursing care by the staff of various educational preparations such as RN, LVN, and CNA
d) care delivery that coordinates and links health care services to clients and their families from admission through and following discharge

6. Positive variance occurs in which of the following situations?

a) the elderly client who was admitted due to acute episode of emphysema developed pneumonia
b) the 52-year old client who had undergone laparoscopic cholesystectomy was discharged after 24 hours
c) the client with diabetes mellitus developed lumbosacral decubitus ulcer
d) the client who had undergone prostatectomy developed thrombophlebitis

7. The leadership style that is based on the belief that every member should have input into development of goals and problem solving is

a) autocratic leadership
b) democratic leadership
c) laissez-faire leadership
d) power leadership

8. A fire was detected in the client's room. Which of the following is the best initial nursing action?

a) rescue the client
b) activate the fire alarm
c) close the door of the room
d) use the fire extinguisher

9. A man telephones the nurse's station and asks, "How is Mr. Smith?" who he claims to be his personal friend. Which of these responses by the nurse who answers the phone would be correct?

a) I can't confirm or deny that he is a patient here
b) you'll have to call him on the patient's phone
c) what is your relationship with him?
d) he is doing well as can be expected

10. Which of the following herbal medicines is recommended for a client with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?

a) ginseng
b) saw palmetto
c) echinacea
d) milk thistle

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