NCLEX Preparation Course - Critical Thinking Exercises VI (Answers 1-10)

Here are the Questions to NCLEX Preparation Course - Critical Thinking VI (1-10) -->

1) A
- in multiple myeloma, bone destruction causes hypercalcemia. Therefore, giving calcium supplement is inappropriate. Hypercalcemia causes polyuria. The client should increase his fluid intake to prevent dehydration and renal stone formation. The client with multiple myeloma is at high risk for fracture and infection. Falls and infection should be avoided.

2) C
- in a client with AV-fistula, arm precaution should be observed. This means no BP taking or any from of puncturing on the affected arm. Therefore, the RN should intervene when a CNA takes the BP on the affected arm.

3) B
- Hawthorn promotes peripheral vasodilation, increases coronary circulation, acts as antioxidant. It is indicated for treatment of mild hypertension, early CHF, stable angina.

4) A
- echinacea is immune enhancer. It is also used to treat respiratory tract infections and urinary tract infections.

5) C
- caloric testing is also called Caloric Ice Water testing. Primarily, it involves introducing cold water into the ear. It is also called oculovestibular test. The normal result is conjugate nystagmus of the eyes away from the ear stimulated.

6) C
- the dead client's arms should be positioned on the side, not across his chest. The client should be wrapped with linen/shroud (according to the institution's policy).

7) C
- dehydration is primarily characterized by dark, concentrated urine. Urine output is one of the most accurate indicator of fluid balance. Skin turgor is not used as an indicator for dehydration among the elderly because their skin is normally wrinkled.

8) C
- when a client receives heparin, inspect site of injection for hematoma. This indicates bleeding at the area and should not be used as injection site. When administering heparin subcutaneous, do not aspirate, do not massage the site after injection. This is to prevent hematoma formation at the site. Needle gauge used be the same as intradermal (gauge 25, 26, 27).

9) B
- application of tourniquet above the area bitten by a rattle snake is the most appropriate immediate action while waiting for the emergency rescue team. This is to prevent spread of the venom in the blood circulation.

10) D
- pericardial friction rub indicates pericardial effusion, a dangerous complication of SLE.

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