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21. Which of the following assessment findings indicate that propylthiouracil (PTU) is effective in the treatment of grave's disease?
a) the exopthalmos is decreased
b) the weight decreased
c) the edema decreased
d) the pulse rate decreased
22. What medication does the nurse expect to be prescribed for a client with adrenal insufficiency?
a) epinephrine
b) hydrocortisone
c) cyclophosphamide
d) amphogel
23. A patient is on coumadin therapy. Which statement when made by the client will concern the nurse?
a) I will refrain from taking aspirin for my headache
b) I'm glad I'll be able to eat lettuce, spinach and other green vegetables
c) I will use soft-bristled toothbrush
d) I will drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday
24. Which of the following complaints when made by the client who is receiving penicillin should concern the nurse most?
a) erythema in the lips and eyelids
b) difficulty in swallowing
c) itchiness of the skin
d) dryness of the mouth
25. What assessment parameter will the nurse check prior to giving potassium supplement per slow IV infusion drip?
a) blood pressure
b) complete blood count
c) liver enzymes
d) urine output
21) D
- PTU is antithyroid. It will relieve the signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Pulse will be decreased and the client will also gain weight. Exopthalmos is irreversible. There is no edema in hyperthyroidism.
22) B
- adrenal insufficiency (addison's disease) requires steroid therapy (hormonal replacement therapy), like hydrocortisone.
23) B
- green leafy vegetables are rich in Vit. K which is antagonizes coumadin, and anticoagulant.
24) B
- spasm of smooth muscles, like difficulty in swallowing indicates severe allergic reaction to penicillin.
25) D
- when a client will receive KCl/slow IV drip, urine output must be adequate to prevent renal damage. "No PEE, No K."
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- Online Nursing Practice Test about Pharmacology (26-30)
- Go back to Online Nursing Practice Test about Pharmacology (1-5) to start the test from the beginning.
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