NCLEX Practice Exam/Test - Critical Thinking Exercises I (Anwers 11-20)

Here are the Questions to NCLEX Critical thinking 11-20 -->

11) B
- dehydration may occur during phototherapy. Diarrhea may also occur as bilirubin is excreted. There's no need to patch the eyes because bulbs are not used in fiberoptic phototherapy blanket.

12) C
- the nurse has reporting responsibilities. Communicable diseases should be reported to local authorities, to protect welfare of the public. Other reporting responsibilities of health care workers are abuse, assault/homicide, vehicular accident, gunshot/stab wounds. Suicide is not a reporting responsibility, because the client's privacy and right to confidentiality should be protected.

13) C
- black cohosh is estrogen enhancer. It is used to treat PMS. St. john's wort is antidepressant; Gingko is antioxidant and improves CNS, circulation; Ginger relieves nausea and vomiting and it relieves swelling in arthritis.

14) A
- Mexican-American use handshaking for greeting. This shows respect to the client.

15) B
- the client with problem in the airways should be attended to first. ABC is a priority.

16) B
- the most accurate area to assess for jaundice in a child is the mucous membrane - mouth, bud palate, conjuctiva. The other area where to check for jaundice is the nailbed. The nailbed of the child is not discolored yet by polish and nicotine.

17) B
- negative-airflow room is used for clients with airborne infection to prevent spread of microorganisms to the environment.

18) C
- the gloves should be removed first to prevent contamination of other parts of the body e.g. face, neck (needs intervention - means that the action is to be corrected).

19) A
- bleeding is a potential complication of suctioning. If the platelet count is low, extreme caution should be practiced when performing this procedure.

20) A
- the client perceives that he is no longer in control of his situation. This indicates powerlessness.

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