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16. The client with chronic renal failure is undergoing peritoneal dialysis. He asks why the nurse monitors his blood glucose levels. Which of the following will be the most appropriate response by the nurse?
a) I have to check if you have diabetes mellitus
b) the dialysate contains glucose
c) the procedure may lower your blood glucose levels
d) it is a routine procedure for every client who undergoes the treatment
17. Which of the following is an expected finding in the client with chronic renal failure?
a) anemia
b) polyuria
c) increased creatinine clearance
d) increased serum calcium levels
18. In the oliguric phase of renal failure, what is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis?
a) fluid volume deficit
b) activity intolerance
c) ineffective breathing pattern
d) fluid volume excess
19. Which of the following complaints is common in a client with pyelonephritis?
a) right upper quadrant pain
b) left upper quadrant pain
c) pain at the costovertebral region
d) pain at the suprapubic region
20. The client had been diagnosed to have chronic renal failure. He had undergone hemodialysis for the first time. What signs and symptoms when experienced by the client suggest that he is experiencing disequilibrium syndrome?
a) restlessness, hypotension, headache
b) nausea and vomiting, hypertension, dizziness
c) lethargy, hypotension, dizziness
d) thachycardia, hypotension, headache
16) B
- the solution used for peritoneal dialysis contains glucose, to remove edema fluids from the body through the process of osmosis. Hyperglycemia may occur. Therefore, urine and blood glucose levels need to be monitored.
17) A
- in renal failure, the kidneys are unable to secrete erythropoietin. This results to decreased RBC production by the bone marrow. Severe anemia occurs.
18) D
- oliguric phase is characterized by water retention (edema) which leads to fluid volume excess.
19) C
- the kidneys are located at the costovertebral angle. Therefore the pain in pyelonephritis is located in this area.
20) B
- disequilibrium syndrome is caused by more rapid removal of waste products from the blood from the brain. This is due to the presence of blood-brain barrier. This causes increased intracranial pressure.
Related Topics:
- Online Nursing Practice Test about Renal Disorders (21-25)
- Go back to Online Nursing Practice Test about Renal Disorders (1-7) to start the test from the beginning.
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