NCLEX E-Book ($4)
14. A 14-year old male is to be admitted to the unit due to high fever related to influenza. With whom among the following clients should he be placed together in the room?
a) the 12-year old male client who had undergone appendectomy
b) the 12-year old female client with flu
c) the 12-year old boy with flu
d) the 12-year old boy with leukemia
15. Why is influenza vaccine given to adults annually?
a) immunity last only for a year
b) some organisms are resistant to the vaccine
c) this is the routine procedure
d) adults have low resistance to flu virus
16. Which of the following nursing interventions should be implemented for a client with influenza?
a) instructing family members not to visit the client until the fever declines
b) instructing family members or visitors to wear surgical mask before entering the client's room
c) instructing family members that there are no special precautions needed when caring for the client
d) instructing family members to wear gown and gloves before entering the client's room
17. Which of the following should concern the nurse most, when caring for a client who will undergo bronchoscopy?
a) the client had a glass of orange juice an hour ago
b) the client has yellowish sputum
c) the client complains of thirst and dryness of mouth
d) the client says, he had removed his dentures
18. The client had undergone decortication of the right lung. The nurse needs to intervene when the unlicensed nursing assistant does which of the following?
a) instructs the client to lie on the operated side
b) instructs the client to lie on the unoperated side
c) keeps the client on supine with head of the bed elevated
d) ensures that chest tube with water-seal drainage functions properly
19. Which of the following findings should concern the nurse that the oxygen saturation monitor is not working?
a) there is no sensor light on the probe
b) oxygen saturation (Sa O2) is 92%
c) pulse rate= 58/min; Sa is 97%
d) mucous membrane in the mouth appears pinkish
20. The client had left chest injury. The nurse can feel air going in and out of injured site during breathing. Which of the following should the nurse do initially?
a) apply petrolatum jelly dressing at the site
b) turn the client to right side
c) give oxygen therapy at 2 L/min
d) transport the client to the nearest medical facility
14) C
cohorts (client with the same diagnosis) can be roomed-in as long as one does not have infection which is different from the other. Age group is another consideration as well as gender of clients.
15) A
- annual influenza vaccine is required to maintain adequate protection.
16) B
- influenza requires droplet precaution. Healthcare workers and family members should wear surgical mask when entering client's room to ensure prevention of contamination.
17) A
- the client should be on NPO 6-8 hours before bronchoscopy if the client had taken anything by mouth, aspiration and airway obstruction may occur.
18) A
- the nurse should intervene when the nursing assistant instructs the client to lie on the operated side. This may inhibit expansion of the affected lung. Options B, C, and D are correct nursing interventions.
19) A
- if the O2 saturation monitor is not working, there will be no sensor light on the probe.
20) A
- cover the injured site of the chest with occlusive dressing like petrolatum jelly dressing to prevent pneumothorax and atelectasis.
Related Topics:
- Online Nursing Practice Test about Respiratory Diseases (21-28)
- Go back to Online Nursing Practice Test about Respiratory Diseases (1-6) to start the test from the beginning.
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