NCLEX Preparation Course - Critical Thinking Exercises II (Answers 11-20)

Here are the Questions to NCLEX Preparation Course - Critical Thinking II (11-20) -->

11) A
- hypertension may cause rupture of aneurysm. This leads to internal hemorrhage, shock, and finally death. Therefore this client should be given highest priority.

12) C
- remove gloves first to prevent contamination of the face, neck and other parts of the body before removing the other barriers.

13) A
- these signs and symptoms indicate alcohol withdrawal. The client is likely to experience alcohol withdrawal syndrome because he had abstained from alcohol from the time he had undergone surgery.

14) A
- serum potassium of 3.1 mEq/L indicates hypokalemia, which is a common side effect of potassium-wasting diuretic. The normal serum potassium level is 3.5 to 5.5 mEq/L

15) A
- only RN's are allowed to deal with clients receiving narcotic through PCA device. This client requires assessment and evaluation. (B, C and D may be delegated).

16) B
- regular pattern of sleep and waking time will most likely promote sleep. Hot tea is a stimulant; taking naps should be avoided so that the client can sleep during the night. To be able to sleep, the client should go to bed only when sleepy.

17) B
- a client with problem on breathing should be given highest priority (Principle: ABC's are given highest priority)

18) D
- Mormons do not drink alcohol, coffee, or tea. Adult Mormons practice fasting every first Sunday of the week.

19) C
-CNA's are not allowed to deal with nasogastric tubes. The LVN should be the one to clamp the NGT.

20) C
- this client may go into hypertensive crisis, that may increase the risk for hemorrhagic CVA. The client whose condition may pose life-threatening problem should be given highest priority. (Note: if an intervention to a problem does not achieve an expected outcome, this situation is a priority).

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